What services does New World Records offer?

We offer a wide range of services, including data governance, data strategy development, database management, information security, and data integration solutions.


How can New World Records help improve our organisation's data management processes?

We can assist in identifying gaps in your current data management processes and develop strategies to address them. Our team of experts will analyse your data infrastructure, identify areas for improvement, and implement best practices tailored to your organisation's needs.


What are the benefits of implementing effective information management practices?

Implementing effective information management practices can lead to significant benefits for your organisation. These include improved decision-making based on accurate data, enhanced data security, increased operational efficiency, better compliance with regulations, and improved collaboration and knowledge sharing across teams.


Can you provide assistance with data integration and migration?

Absolutely! Our consultants have extensive experience in data integration and migration projects. Whether you need assistance in consolidating data from multiple sources or migrating to a new system, we can help you streamline the process and ensure data integrity throughout.


How do you ensure the security and confidentiality of our data?

We take data security and confidentiality very seriously. Our consultancy follows industry best practices and employs robust security measures to protect your data. We conduct regular security audits, implement access controls, use encryption techniques, and ensure compliance with relevant data protection regulations.